Krauts & Sprouts

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  • Aktuelle Erwähnungen
  • We're on a mission to help producers of potting soils reduce the use of climate-damaging peat in their products. As the use of peat faces a ban in the near future, we know that available replacements lack the necessary water retention capacity. This results in either drought stress for plants or increased irrigation costs for customers. And with increasing temperatures and severe drought seasons, this problem is only set to amplify. That's where our innovative product comes in. We've developed a biological hydrogel made from photosynthetic microorganisms. This hydrogel captures CO2 from the atmosphere during production and stores it in the soil, helping to combat climate change. Plus, when added to potting soil, it retains water, providing the necessary water retention capacity that peat replacements currently lack. Our hydrogel is an eco-friendly and sustainable solution to a pressing industry issue. In addition, our hydrogel can help with water retention of soils in agriculture beyond substrate producers. But that's just the beginning. At Krauts & Sprouts, we're dedicated to finding innovative solutions to a wide range of environmental challenges. Our long-term goal is to expand from this one product into a strain development platform for a plethora of climate-friendly solutions.

Details der Organisation

#entrepreneur #grundung #landwirtschaft #agrarwirtschaft #startup #marketing #konsumenten #b2b #partnerschaften #innovation
Schloßstraße 36,
40477 Düsseldorf
Nicolas Schmelling
* Testflächen in der Landwirtschaft * Pilot-Projekte * Zugang zu Labor und Forschungs-Know-How * Zugang zu Produktionsstätten/ Lohnherstellern * Erfahrungen im Sourcing * Konsumenten-Insights & Marktforschung * Markteintritt * Zugang zu Multiplikatoren/ Kunden/ Partnern
Beitrag zum Foodhub-Netzwerk
* Möglichkeit von Pilot-Projekten * Zugang zu Forschungs-Know-How
Was wird in den nächsten 6 Monaten benötigt?
Kunden, Investoren, Mitgründer, Partner,
Kategorie & Stadt
Start-up aus Düsseldorf
Gründungsjahr & Gründer
2023 von Nicolas Schmelling Lutz Berwanger
Pre-seed (Orientierungsphase)
Pflanzenzucht & Landwirtschaft
Social Media
Foodhub NRW

Wir vernetzen Akteure der Agrar- und Lebensmittelbranche vom Feld zum Regal, um gemeinsam zukunftsgerichtete Lösungen für die Branchen zu entwickeln.

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