Broadfield Enterprises Uganda (BEU)

Dieser Organisation folgen:

  • Überblick
  • Broadfield Enterprises Uganda, was founded in 2012 by Mugarura Charles, one of the first professional Permaculture students in Uganda, after his strong background and support from Jan Smart -World Bank with Rosemary Morrow of Blue Mountains Permaculture Institute, Melbourne, Australia and Dan Palmer, Very Edible of Australia in 2008. BEU was officially incorporated by the Government of Uganda as a Permaculture Social Enterprise in January 29th 2016, under the Registrar of companies’ registration number (RN) 215653, Chapter 210 Laws of Uganda in 1998, under Section 4(2) of URSB Act and the Companies Act of 2012. We are a private permanent agriculture social enterprise operating under the twelve principles of Permaculture and the three Ethics ( care for people, care for Earth and Fair share) dedicated to build resilient communities with their agribusinesses through providing affordable Permaculture ecosystem designs, accessible, quality services with dynamic integration of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). BEU’s focus is on creating, implementing and on use of innovative climate change adaptation strategies using the permaculture ethics and principles. As a permaculture social enterprise, the core focus is to innovate adaptation strategies using permaculture principles to solve Uganda’s problems especially with the most vulnerable populations of rural communities of whom the majority are farmers.

Details der Organisation

#food-processing #bio #entrepreneur #landwirtschaft #nachhaltigkeit #food #verpackung #lebensmittel #lebensmittelhandel #marketing #partnerschaften #innovation
Pellenzstraße 15,
50823 Köln
Charles mugarura
+256 788 738831
* Verpackungs Know-how * Online Marketing Know-how * eCommerce Know-how * Konsumenten-Insights & Marktforschung * Markteintritt * Internationale Expansion * Zugang zu Multiplikatoren/ Kunden/ Partnern
Beitrag zum Foodhub-Netzwerk
* Innovation Hub/ Accelerator etc. * Testflächen in der Landwirtschaft * Möglichkeit von Pilot-Projekten * Erfahrungen im Sourcing * Export Know-how
Was wird in den nächsten 6 Monaten benötigt?
Kunden, Investoren, Partner
Kategorie & Stadt
Unternehmen aus Köln
Gründungsjahr & Gründer
2012 von Charles Mugarura
3rd or later Stage (Reifephase)
Pflanzenzucht & Landwirtschaft, Lebensmittel / Getränke - Handwerk, Ernährung
Social Media
Foodhub NRW

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